
How To Make Deep Conditioner

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Hair, much like skin, requires lots of care and attention to keep looking its all-time. Sometimes, despite a person'southward best efforts, hair nonetheless ends up existence dry, brittle, or weak. If your hair is prone to dryness or breaking, you need a deep conditioner. A deep conditioner is a pilus mask that is applied to wet hair, and left on for a length of fourth dimension.[1] You can e'er buy a deep conditioner at a store, but why do that when you lot could make a great conditioner at dwelling using ingredients from your kitchen? Best of all, you will know exactly what is going into your conditioner and won't have to worry near chemicals and other mysterious ingredients!

  1. 1

    Put 8 tablespoons of coconut oil into a mixing bowl and stir information technology with a whisk until it becomes soft. [2] You lot do non need to melt the coconut oil, but it should be at room temperature. The rut created by all that whisking volition soften the oil upwards some more on its own.

    • You are making enough deep conditioner to final you a few uses. If yous plan on using this just one time, use only 2 tablespoons of coconut oil.[three]
  2. 2

    Add 4 tablespoons of jojoba oil. If you can't find any jojoba oil, you can also use argan oil, grapeseed oil, or olive oil.[4]

    • If you program on using this deep conditioner just once, use one tablespoon of jojoba oil.[five]


  3. 3

    Add 15 to xx drops of your favorite essential oil for fragrance. While this is not completely necessary, information technology volition give your deep conditioner a nice smell. Yous tin use any type of essential oil y'all want, such as clary sage, geranium, lavender, peppermint, rosemary, or peppermint.[6] Some people find tea tree oil to be especially moisturizing when it comes to hair.[7]

    • If you are making a one-fourth dimension-use mask, you will only need 3 to four drops of essential oil.[8]
    • Consider testing the essential oil on your inner arm first to encounter if y'all have an allergic reaction.[ix]
  4. 4

    Apply the oil to your hair, starting from the roots. Y'all exercise not need to apply all of the deep conditioner' you made enough to concluding several treatments. At about, y'all will only need 2 to 3 tablespoons in society to coat your hair.

    • If you accept very long pilus, you may find it helpful to split up your pilus into smaller sections first.
    • If your hair is very oily, do non put whatever oil on your scalp. If you tend to become dandruff, however, massaging the oil into your scalp may help relieve some of it.[10]
  5. v

    Tuck your hair under a plastic shower cap. This volition help trap the estrus and moisture, and make the mask more constructive. If yous do non have a plastic shower cap, a plastic bag will also work.

  6. vi

    Wrap a hot towel around your head, and secure information technology with a hair clip, if needed. The heat from the towel volition crusade the pilus follicles to open up. This will brand information technology easier for your pilus to absorb the oil. You can too simply heat your hair with a blow dryer for a few minutes, just don't take the shower cap off!

    • A hooded dryer is a slap-up choice to oestrus your hair too, if you have one available to y'all.
  7. seven

    Look 3 to 5 minutes. [eleven] Do not take the shower cap off during this fourth dimension. If you lot wrapped a hot towel around your caput before, leave it on too.[12]

    • If you wish to get even more benefits out of this deep conditioner, leave information technology on for 15 to 30 minutes.
  8. 8

    Wash the deep conditioner out with shampoo. You lot may have to shampoo your hair twice in social club to get all of the coconut oil out. When you are washed, simply way your pilus as you ordinarily do. Thanks to the deep conditioning you did earlier, y'all practice not need to use any conditioner later on.[13]

    • If y'all have trouble removing the kokosnoot oil from your hair with your regular shampoo, try washing one time with a clarifying shampoo.
  9. ix

    Store the residuum of the deep conditioner in a glass jar. You can use this deep conditioner one time every three weeks.[14] If the oils separate, merely stir them up again with a spoon.


  1. 1

    In a blender, combine one peeled banana and 2 to iii tablespoons of actress-virgin olive oil. Keep blending until the mixture is smooth. Bananas are rich in potassium and vitamin A, both of which will help hydrate and strengthen your pilus. The olive oil will help the deep conditioner soak into your hair. It will also assistance hydrate your hair and add shine also.[15]

  2. 2

    Add together ¼ cup (65 grams) of plain Greek yogurt and 1 tablespoon of honey. Yogurt is nifty for the pilus considering it is naturally hydrating. It is as well total of proteins, which can help strengthen your hair. Honey, on the other paw, is a natural humectant, and then it will help hydrate your hair and seal the moisture in.[16]

  3. 3

    Blend the mixture again until information technology is shine, and so cascade it into a bowl through a strainer. The strainer will remove any lumps or clumps and give you lot a smoother conditioner to work with. Discard any lumps caught in the strainer.

  4. 4

    Apply the conditioner to wet hair. Get into the shower, and dampen your pilus. Spread the conditioner evenly through your hair. If y'all take very long or thick hair, you lot might find it helpful to separate your hair into smaller sections beginning. If yous take any leftover conditioner, throw it out; information technology will non hold well, even in the refrigerator.

  5. 5

    Constrict your hair nether a plastic shower cap and wait 30 minutes. [17] Get out the shower cap on during this time. If you'd like, y'all can wrap a warm towel around your head; this will assistance further trap the oestrus and make the mask more than constructive.

  6. vi

    Rinse the conditioner out with warm water and shampoo. If you need to, apply some conditioner to the ends of your pilus. Afterwards that, style your hair as you usually do.


  1. 1

    Pare, pit, and mash one avocado. You tin can do this with a fork in a small bowl or in a blender. Avocados have lots of vitamins and essential fat acids, which will assist strengthen and restore your hair.[eighteen]

  2. two

    Put the avocado, ii tablespoons of dearest, and 1 tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil into a blender. Honey is a humectant, so it will help draw and seal moisture into your pilus; hydration is a big part of caring for damaged or brittle pilus. The olive oil volition assistance further penetrate and moisturize your pilus.

  3. 3

    Blend the ingredients together until they are smooth. If the ingredients are not mixing together evenly, pause the blender, and scrape any lumps or clumps down towards the bottom of the blender.

  4. 4

    Apply the deep conditioner to wet hair. Dampen your hair first, then spread the deep conditioner throughout information technology. If you lot accept long or thick hair, you might want to divide your hair into smaller sections first. If you have any leftover conditioner, throw it out; information technology won't last long.

  5. 5

    Tuck your hair under a plastic shower cap, and expect one 60 minutes. To get even more out of this mask, wrap a warm towel around your head. The plastic shower cap will aid trap heat and moisture, and make this mask more effective.

  6. half-dozen

    Rinse the mask off using warm water and shampoo. If you need to, apply some regular conditioner later. Once your hair is make clean, mode is every bit your commonly would.


  1. ane

    Whip an egg in a cup and set up information technology aside. [nineteen] You can practise this using a fork or mini whisk. Go on whisking until the yolk is all cleaved upward, and mixed evenly with the white. Eggs are full of protein, which will help strengthen your hair.[20]

  2. two

    In a medium-sized mixing bowl, whip 1 cup (250 grams) of manifestly, Greek yogurt. Yogurt is packed with poly peptide and lactic acrid, both of which will help hydrate and strengthen your hair.[21]

  3. 3

    Add the whipped egg, 1 tablespoon of brush oil, and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. The castor oil volition help strengthen your pilus, while the coconut oil will assistance nourish and moisturize it.[22]

  4. 4

    Whisk the ingredients together until they are evenly combined. Make certain that there are no streaks or swirls of unmixed egg yolk or oil.

  5. 5

    Utilise the mixture to wet pilus. Dampen your pilus first, then apply the mixture to it. If you have very long or thick hair, separate your hair into smaller sections kickoff. If you take any mixture left over, discard it.

    • Considering this conditioner contains raw egg, be very careful not to get whatever on your face.
  6. half-dozen

    Tuck your hair until a plastic shower cap and wait one hour. Many people recommend heating your hair with a dryer, hot towel, or hood dryer to make deep conditioners more effective. This deep condition is an exception, so practise non utilise whatever heat to information technology, or you lot will risk cooking the eggs.

  7. 7

    Rinse the deep conditioner out using cool water and shampoo. Practice not use hot h2o or you will end up cooking the egg in the mask. Use the coolest h2o you can stand up. If you demand to, follow upwardly with some regular conditioner.


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  • Question

    Tin can you use regular conditioner to deep condition your hair?

    Laura Martin

    Laura Martin is a Licensed Cosmetologist in Georgia. She has been a hair stylist since 2007 and a cosmetology teacher since 2013.

    Laura Martin

    Licensed Cosmetologist

    Proficient Answer

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    You can experience some added benefits from a regular conditioner by leaving it on longer and adding heat. Notwithstanding, a truthful deep conditioner has richer oils in a higher concentration and may contain strengthening proteins that are not nowadays in a daily conditioner.

  • Question

    Can coconut oil be used as a deep conditioner?

    Laura Martin

    Laura Martin is a Licensed Cosmetologist in Georgia. She has been a hair stylist since 2007 and a cosmetology teacher since 2013.

    Laura Martin

    Licensed Cosmetologist

    Expert Answer

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    You can use coconut oil to condition your hair, and it'due south great for dry and damaged hair types. All the same, coconut oil stays on the surface of the pilus, protecting and smoothing. It doesn't penetrate deeply, so it's not a true deep conditioner.

  • Question

    Can I put eggs and mayonnaise in my hair?

    Laura Martin

    Laura Martin is a Licensed Cosmetologist in Georgia. She has been a hair stylist since 2007 and a cosmetology teacher since 2013.

    Laura Martin

    Licensed Cosmetologist

    Skillful Respond

  • Question

    Can you use deep conditioner every 24-hour interval?

    Arthur Sebastian

    Arthur Sebastian is the Owner of Arthur Sebastian Hair Salon in San Francisco, California. Arthur has worked as a hair stylist for over 20 years and received his Cosmetology License in 1998. He believes that the true work of a successful pilus stylist comes from passion and a love for hairdressing.

    Arthur Sebastian

    Professional Hair Stylist

    Adept Answer

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    It's of import to avoid deep conditioning as well often. Sometimes deep conditioners can create a buildup on the hair, equally it can overfeed your hair with nutrients. This can terminate up making the hair kind of brittle. Deep conditioning shouldn't be done too often to avoid this, but people with thick, full hair can more often.

  • Question

    What is the difference between conditioner and deep conditioner?

    Arthur Sebastian

    Arthur Sebastian is the Owner of Arthur Sebastian Hair Salon in San Francisco, California. Arthur has worked as a hair stylist for over twenty years and received his Cosmetology License in 1998. He believes that the truthful piece of work of a successful hair stylist comes from passion and a dearest for hairdressing.

    Arthur Sebastian

    Professional Pilus Stylist

    Practiced Answer

  • Question

    I accept colored hair. Volition the egg distort the color of my hair?

    Ashley Adams

    Ashley Adams is a Licensed Cosmetologist and Hair Stylist in Illinois. She completed her Cosmetology instruction at John Amico School of Hair Design in 2016.

    Ashley Adams

    Professional Hair Stylist

    Expert Respond

  • Question

    For the conditioner for dry pilus, exercise I have to utilize the yogurt?

    Community Answer

    Yogurt is a really good remedy for dry hair, and so unless yous accept an allergy to it, y'all should include information technology.

  • Question

    If y'all don't have the yogurt, is it okay to not include it?

    Community Answer

    Yes, you could besides use a dairy cream instead, but if your hair is dry don't use cream or yogurt.

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VideoRead Video Transcript

  • You can use these deep conditioners once a calendar month.

  • Y'all may accept to shampoo your pilus twice in club to get all of the conditioner out. You lot typically will non need to apply any conditioner after.

  • Endeavor to employ full-fat Greek yogurt if you can. It will be more nourishing than 2% or skim yogurt. Avert the flavored kind, such as strawberry or vanilla.

  • Ripe fruits that are too mushy to swallow are perfect for these sorts of deep conditioners.

  • Take good care of your hair! Even the all-time deep conditioner won't be much help if yous don't take care of your hair.


  • Not every deep conditioner will piece of work for everyone. What works for your sister or friend may not work for you, even if she has the exact aforementioned hair blazon and texture.

  • Honey may lighten hair over time. If you use the deep conditioner once a week, yet, you should not notice whatever pregnant differences.[23]


Things You lot'll Need

  • viii tablespoons kokosnoot oil
  • 4 tablespoons jojoba oil
  • 15 to 20 drops essential oil
  • Mixing basin
  • Whisk
  • Plastic shower cap
  • Hair dryer or hot towel
  • i ripe banana
  • two to iii tablespoons actress-virgin olive oil
  • ¼ loving cup (65 grams) plain Greek yogurt
  • i tablespoon dearest
  • Plastic shower cap
  • Blender or nutrient processor
  • Strainer
  • 1 avocado, mashed well
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 1 tablespoon avocado oil (or extra-virgin olive oil)
  • Plastic shower cap
  • Blender or food processor
  • 1 cup (250 grams) plain Greek Yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon castor oil
  • one tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1 egg
  • Plastic shower cap
  • Cup
  • Fork or mini whisk
  • Mixing bowl
  • Whisk

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Article Summary X

To make an all-purpose deep conditioner, start by whisking 8 tablespoons of coconut oil in a bowl until it'southward soft. Adjacent, mix in iv tablespoons of jojoba oil or a similar oil, such as argan, grapeseed, or olive oil. To give your conditioner a prissy aroma, add 10-15 drops of your favorite essential oil. Rosemary, peppermint, and lavender are all good choices. Work the conditioner into your hair from roots to tips, and so cover your hair with a plastic shower cap. Wrap a hot towel around your head to trap heat and help the conditioner penetrate your strands more deeply. You can also employ a pilus dryer to gently warm your hair instead. After 3-5 minutes, take off the shower cap and wash your pilus with shampoo. You might need to wash twice or utilize a clarifying conditioner to get all the coconut oil out. If there'south any conditioner left over, store it in a glass jar until you're set to use it again. You can use your deep conditioner one time every 3 weeks. To learn how to brand a deep conditioner for dry, damaged, or brittle pilus, read on!

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